Why you can’t get over your toxic ex-partner…and how I can help you

Hypnosis with Arthur Collis.

They were awful.
But you still love them.

Your friends are all telling you that splitting with your ex is the best thing for you.

But you can’t stop thinking about them, and all you want is to patch things up and give it another go.

For the 10th or even 20th time, even though you know deep down it’s bad for you.

It’s driving you crazy because you know you deserve better.

Most toxic relationships aren’t toxic all the time.

Maybe they are shouting at you.

Maybe they are hitting you.

Maybe they are cheating on you.

And just as you get ready to leave; they tell you that they are sorry, and they love you, and they spoil you, and the world is beautiful again.

All your friends tell you that your partner isn’t going to change…but you just can’t leave them.

Staying in a toxic relationship is common.

You’re addicted to your toxic partner.

Your toxic relationship is like gambling.

If you always lost at cards, you would eventually stop playing and walk away.

But if you win sometimes, even if it’s only a little amount, even if it’s less than what you’ve lost…you’ll keep playing.

Your relationship with your toxic partner is the same.

If they are always awful, it’s easy to walk away.

But when you never know if they’re going to be nasty or nice, you get to keep hoping that they’ll be nice this time.

You’ll keep playing, just like the gambler keeps gambling.

Science shows us what’s happening.

B.F. Skinner did some experiments on animals that showed just this kind of thing happening.

Dogs and cats that got rewards sometimes tried hard than dogs and cats that got rewards every time.

Just like Fido or Tiddles, you’re responding to the uncertainty by trying harder to make things work, in the hope that this time it will be different.

But running back to a toxic ex-partner, time after time, is no way to live.

That’ll lead to a very unhappy life.

For some people, breaking free of their toxic ex-partner requires building up self-esteem and self-confidence.

You need to see and fee that you genuinely deserve better. As a hypnotist, I can help you realise your own self-worth and respect yourself again.

For other people, breaking their toxic ex’s spell means finally seeing what is happening.

If this is you, you’ve learnt to minimise the bad times and exaggerate the good. As a hypnotist, I can help you break free of the trance that you’ve put yourself in so you can finally be free.

And for other people, well, they’ve grown up with bad relationships and think this is just how it is. It’s what they know from childhood.

If this is you, I’ll use my hypnotic expertise to help that younger you realise how healthy relationships actually look, so you can have them as an adult…now.

How to finally break free from your toxic ex…forever.

Reviews of Arthur Collis’ Hypnosis Services

  • My meeting with Arthur was so great! He helped me pinpoint the root cause of my PTSD-esque symptoms (panic attacks, guilt, anger and self-loathing). At 35 years old, the symptoms were only getting worse, and that's why I wanted to try hypnosis. Now, I can clearly see why I've been feeling this way my entire life; it all makes sense! Arthur genuinely cares. I feel helped when I thought I was too far-gone to be helped. I finally feel calm and in control of my mind.

    A hypnosis client

  • I have never attempted hypnosis before nor had I ever met Arthur. I had two part sessions with him and WOW was I blown away. He is very easy to connect with and makes you feel immediately at ease with his friendly personality. I have been working on overcoming Anxiety/depression for several years. Arthur uncovered underlying issues and worked with me to overcome my fears through hypnosis. I experienced a measurable amount of progress working with Arthur and I am truly thankful for his insight and healing modalities.

    A hypnosis client

  • Working with Arthur was pure joy! He truly listens, and just because there is a screen in between you and him does not mean his presence, love and care aren't felt. He guides you through everything so soft and gently, and makes you feel so comfortable. His techniques are easy but effective!! Finding you was a gift! Forever grateful.

    A hypnosis client