Letting Go In Hypnosis

Hypnosis with Arthur Collis.

Why do you need my help?

Maybe it’s to stop smoking.

Maybe it’s to lose weight.

Maybe it’s to deal with stress, anxiety or even PTSD.

One thing I know for sure - other people were involved in causing your problem.

Perhaps they encouraged you to smoke, gave you issues around food, or caused you stress and anxiety.

No one develops a trauma or problem alone.

Some people think that hypnosis means going to sleep and waking up and finding that all their problems have gone away.

Wouldn’t that be great?

But that’s a fairy-tale.

Hypnosis is a collaboration between me, you, and your powerful unconscious mind.

I can help you change your life - but only if you’re ready to be involved in that change too.

Hypnosis is teamwork.

The two most important words in the world.

The two most important words in the world are “letting go”.

To get the most out of your sessions with me, you need to open to the suggestion of just letting go.

Letting go of your trauma.

Letting go of your pain.

Letting go of the hurt and anger of the past and moving on to a brighter, happier future.

Sadly, not everyone is ready to let go.

There can be a comfort in being angry.

Being bitter can feel like it’s protecting you from pain.

Being scared means never taking a risk.

Being sad means never being disappointed.

Life is so much better when you step away from being in a constant state of anger, bitterness, fear or sadness - but you need to be ready.

If you’re ready, I’ll use my hypnotic expertise to help you let go of all those old, negative emotions that aren’t helping you.

So that you can move on and live again.

All you need to do is reach out and Iet me catch you.

Are you ready to let go?

Reviews of Arthur Collis’ Hypnosis Services

  • I just wanted to let you know that I am very successful with this process. I can’t thank you enough for being my coach and mentor in it. I have not touched a cigarette nor have I even craved one at all. You are truly a beautiful person to help people,such as myself, to get rid of such a terrible habit and embrace a wonderful opportunity for success and happiness. I can’t thank you enough. So I have passed your information on to at least four people already and they really seemed interested in contacting you and doing it themselves. I certainly hope they do follow through and you get another opportunity to prove your method works! You are a life saver for me. I am so very thankful.

    A “Be A Non-Smoker In Two Hours” client

  • Working with Arthur was pure joy! He truly listens, and just because there is a screen in between you and him does not mean his presence, love and care arent felt. He guides you through everything so soft and gently, and makes you feel so comfortable. His techniques are easy but effective !! Finding you was a gift! Forever grateful

    A hypnosis client

  • My heart rate has gone down from 110BPM to 80 thanks to YOU! I go to work tomorrow and can't wait to share my good news with my co-workers!

    A hypnosis client