Self Hypnosis Technique.

Hypnosis with Arthur Collis.

Your Self-Hypnosis Method

This technique uses mindfulness, bi-lateral stimulation and the magic of your parasympathetic nervous system. I recommend it to many of my clients.

Using this technique twice a day (morning and evening) will give you moments of calm relaxation, and over time will make a big difference to how you think…and feel.

Remember that I am here to help you - just reach out and I’ll be there.

  1. Take three deep breaths.
    Breathe with mindfulness and awareness of how you breathe in and out. Be present in your breathing.

  2. Cross your arms across your body, in front of you, as if you were giving yourself a comforting hug.

  3. Continue to breathe mindfully, as you drift into a calm, relaxed, hypnotic state. Remember hypnosis is simply a heightened sense of internal awareness.

  4. Repeat three affirmations of what you really want, framed in a way to move your thoughts towards what you do want, rather than mentioning what you don’t want.
    Stuck creating affirmations? Use these:
    ”I am calm”
    ”I am happy”
    ”I am restful”

  5. You might find other thoughts or feelings or even sensations in your body come up as you do this - and that’s perfectly normal.

    Be aware that any thoughts that are about the past, or the future. Allow those thoughts to drift away and focus on staying in the present, the here and now.

    Allow any negative thoughts to drift away, and return your attention to the affirmations you want.

Reviews of Arthur Collis’ Hypnosis Services

  • I havent felt this clear ...peaceful....and happy in a long time. After working with Arthur I feel like me again!!

    Hypnosis client

  • Arthur did the session with me, I’ve gone 7 days without a puff, more importantly, I don’t really even think about it anymore and have no desire to smoke whatsoever. This is from somebody that has smoked on and off for 40 years and tried every other way to stop without success. Thank you again, Arthur.

    A “Be A Non-Smoker In Two Hours” client

  • I am 55 and smoked at least a pack a day… I’ve been smoking for 41 years and this has been the only successful outcome of the tons of other ways I tried to quit… I am finally FREE of such a disgusting habit.. I wanna thank you again Arthur for all of your knowledge and sincerity… Call him…

    A “Be A Non-Smoker In Two Hours” client