Stop Smoking In Two Hours

Be A Non-Smoker In Two Hours
Hypnosis with Arthur Collis.

Are you ready to stop smoking?

  • A family sat in a bedroom - there is a mother, a father, a young girl and a baby. No one is smoking. If you want to stop smoking for your family, Arthur Collis Hypnosis can help

    Want To Stop Smoking For Your Family?

    Maybe you want to stop smoking because you want to be around to see your children and grandchildren grow up…but can’t beat your cravings when times are tough.

  • A man in a hospital bed. If you want to stop smoking for your health, Arthur Collis is a Smoking Cessation Specialist

    Want To Stop Smoking For Your Health?

    You know that smokers like you die younger, and suffer more respiratory infections…but maybe fear of cancer and disease isn’t stopping you reaching for the cigarettes.

  • $100 bills on fire surrounded by ash. Smoking is like burning money - Arthur Collis can help!

    Fed Up Of Your Money Going Up In Smoke?

    Smoking is just burning cash - every time you light up, you’re setting fire to your hard earned money…but maybe that isn’t enough to stop you buying cigarettes!

The GUZZO Protocol

Arthur Collis is a Smoking Cessation Specialist, and one of the elite few who uses the Guzzo Protocol, a sensational technique that can make you a non-smoker in only 2 hours and has a proven 95% success rate!

It also comes with a lifetime guarantee: if for any reason a client starts smoking again, they can see me for a second session and I’ll get them right back on track for free.

I can help you.

My name is Arthur Collis, and I am a professional hypnotist, life coach and Smoking Cessation Specialist.

Turning smokers into non-smokers in 2 hours is something I do, day in, day out, and I can do it for you, too.

Even if you’ve tried - and failed - with other methods before. Even if you’ve been smoking for decades.

Maybe you’re scared that you won’t see your children grow up - but your cravings are just too strong.

Maybe you’re scared about the ongoing effects on your health - but the fear of cancer, disease and long illnesses aren’t enough to stop you reaching for the cigarettes.

Maybe you simply can’t afford to keep smoking - but you just can’t bring yourself to stop, even as you hand over money that you can’t afford.

Or maybe there’s another reason altogether.

Whatever the reason is that you’ve sought out my smoking cessation service - I can help you to become a non-smoker.

All you need to do is click the button below, and notice how much better you feel.

Reviews of Arthur Collis’ Hypnosis Services

  • I was a little skeptical before having my session with Arthur. I didn't know much about hypnotherapy but I knew that I needed extra help to quit smoking, so I'd try anything at this point. He was very informative prior to the session and made me feel at ease about being hypnotized. The day of the session, I was nervous and excited at the same time. I remember everything that was said while under hypnosis. I felt really relaxed, almost like I was sleep at times. I remember waking up feeling no different than before but I HAVE NOT SMOKED A CIGARETTE SINCE MAY 17, 2022 after 9am. Almost one month out! This is the FIRST time where I haven't even wanted to have one hit from someone's cigarette. I have been around smokers and still have not been tempted. I'm very happy with the results and would recommend Arthur for all of your hypnotherapy needs. He is the best! Thank you, Arthur, for saving my life!

    A “Be A Non-Smoker In Two Hours” client

  • To anyone who want to quit smoking trust the process and Arthur. I want to stop but my cravings got in the way every time. Once I did all of his steps to quit I was over that bad relationship I had called being a smoker . NO LIE! I DONT SMOKE ANY MORE! Now some may want to say thank God but I can say thank you Arthur!

    A “Be A Non-Smoker In Two Hours” client

  • I was a smoker since I was 8 years old. I’m 43 now. I was smoking $7000 a year in cigarettes. I have been through rehab, patches, lozenges, cold turkey, vaping, nicotine inhaler, even pills like Wellbutrin and Chantex and doing therapy beyond the imagination. Nothing worked for me until I met Arthur. You can think he paid me for this review, you would be wrong. I paid him for his help and I get to tell you just how amazing this is if you truly want it. I did it and Arthur helped me achieve that goal. If you question this process then at least give him a chance to show you if you really want it, you can do it. I thought I was an impossible client. He helped me! I hope he can help you too. Just reach out to him. It’s easy. I promise. You have my word on it. I can hang outside and I don’t smoke. I can drive my car and I don’t smoke. I can talk on phone and I don’t smoke. I do every single thing I enjoyed before now and I don’t smoke. Even picked up some new fun hobbies and I don’t smoke.

    A “Be A Non-Smoker In Two Hours” client