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Arthur Collis is an IEMT Practioner

What if you could rid yourself of trauma merely by moving your eyes?


We "store" traumatic memories in our brains in a particular way.


Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) works scientifically with the brain.


IEMT can't make you "forget" what happened, but it can remove the painful emotion associated with the memory.

Imagine if moving your eyes in a particular way, while thinking of a difficult memory, could change how you felt about that memory.


Wouldn't that be an incredible way of releasing people from the memory of traumatic events?


It sounds like science fiction, but actually, therapists have been helping people let go of trauma in this way since the 1980s, when a technique called EMDR was developed.


Although EMDR was somewhat effective, and is still practiced today, science doesn't stand still, and other therapists and scientists have continued to advance our understanding of how eye movement can affect our memories.


One of the most exciting advanced techniques now in use is Integral Eye Movement Therapy, or IEMT. Developed by Andrew T Austin, a British therapist, it uses eye movement in conjunction with an understanding of how people think about and react to difficult memories to create massive, powerful change, almost in the blink of an eye. From its beginnings in the UK, IEMT is now so popular it is used across the globe to help free people from their trauma.


IEMT requires recalling difficult emotions or memories - but this is something that people who are struggling do all the time, anyway. It is not always necessary to talk about what the difficult event was.


Many people who I have treated with IEMT talk about how the event is the same in their memory, but it no longer troubles them in the same way, and that the difficult emotions they felt about the memory are no longer there. Sometimes, they even feel good about the memory instead!


IEMT is a specialist technique and is only taught to professionals who meet a certain criteria. I am a fully certified IEMT practitioner, and it's a wonderful technique that I use with many of my clients.


IEMT works very well through Zoom, and it's simply a case of following the movements of my fingers with your eyes while focusing on a memory. You'll be amazed by the changes that follow!

Here's just some of my five star reviews from my wonderful clients
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