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Arthur Collis is a highly trained hypnotist

Hypnosis: the gentle and powerful way to change your life!


Powerful change can happen when you just close your eyes.


Take control of "that part of you" that just seems to let you down all the time.


In hypnosis, you're always in charge, in control...but finally able to change!

Movies and TV shows like to pretend that hypnosis is a scary mind-control where you can be made to do anything, normally by some kind of evil genius out to wreak havoc or commit crime.


It makes for good TV, but actually, hypnosis is very common. It's just like a powerful form of daydream.


If you've ever driven a long way, but upon arrival, discover you can't remember the middle of the journey - that's hypnosis.


If you've ever done something without even thinking about it, like made a cup of coffee or eaten an entire packet of cookies - that's hypnosis.


If you've ever put down your keys, looked everywhere for them, and then had your partner find them in the first place you looked - that's hypnosis.


Hypnosis is not supernatural magic, it's a powerful, natural behavior; a state of focused relaxation where your mind is free to imagine and create new possibilities.


You can enter the state of hypnosis unconsciously, like in the examples above, but a skilled hypnotist can help you enter the hypnotic state consciously, and in doing so, get in touch with your unconscious mind, that part of you that actually makes all those decisions that you seem to make without thinking.


A very skilled hypnotist - like me - can then encourage your unconscious mind to behave in a more helpful, positive way.

Here's just some of my five star reviews from my wonderful clients
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