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Arthur Collis can stop your bad behavior

Do you have bad behaviors you want to stop - but can't?


Perhaps you want to stop smoking - but feel you're too addicted. When we meet online, I'll show you, you are not addicted to some things. The tobacco companies, she of the medical establishment and big Pharma would like you to believe that, however you are not. I'll show you that when we get together.


Maybe you know you drink too much, but just can't seem to stop.


Perhaps you keep gambling, hoping you'll win, but you're just losing more and more.

Whether you think of them as "vices", or "addictions" or "compulsions", bad behaviors are very common.

Despite everything doctors tell us about smoking, it is still a very common habit, with "old fashioned" cigarettes being replaced by high nicotine vapes.


And although we know that drinking too much is bad for both our bodies and our minds, we are surrounded by advertisements for alcohol, both obvious advertisements and sneaky product placements that normalize excessive consumption. Getting blackout drunk is often seen as both funny and harmless, when, in reality, it is neither.


And, as money worries affect more and more of us, the lure of gambling becomes stronger and stronger, and because we rarely understand odds and probability, it's easy to be fooled into thinking that it could be us who wins next time, even as we pour more and more money into the slot machine or sports gambling.


Society often blames people with bad behaviors, telling them that it is their fault, saying the they are weak or undisciplined. But as a highly trained Mind Shifting Coach, Hypnotist and IEMT Practitioner who has studied human behavior for decades, I know that bad behaviors are really a reaction to difficult, stressful or damaging situations.


In short, I know that you're not weak, or a failure, you're just trying to survive as best you can, and right now, your "bad behavior" is giving you something that you feel you desperately need to survive.


But take a moment to imagine what your life would be like if you weren't trapped in that bad behavior? How different would things be? What would it be like to feel free?


It doesn't just have to be in your imagination - I can help you achieve that freedom.


I can do this because I'm a highly qualified, certified Hypnotist, IEMT Practitioner and Mind Shifting Coach, and I'm here to help you escape your bad behavior once and for all.

Here's just some of my five star reviews from my wonderful clients
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